Register your Brand

There isn't any limit to how many oils you wish to enter


The CIOOC gives olive oil firms the chance to shine. Visit any business website, and you will likely see a scrolling list of the awards the company has won. As you build your business, it’s important to implement an awards strategy as part of your marketing strategy. CIOOC Awards provide Credibility and Increased Brand Awareness for your business.

Register your brand

QUALITY Olive Oil Competition

Eligible to participate are varieties of extra virgin oil of any type, from any producing country in the world and by any individual producer, company, trader, packager, or are those allowed to participate in the competition Canada IOOC.

PACKAGING Olive Oil Competition

All branded olive oils are eligible for participation for the best packaging award. The products to be evaluated must be in the appropriate condition for testing and their distinctive information must be written out correctly and clearly on the label, i.e. they must be products ready to be sold to the consumer public. Each judge records a numerical rating on the evaluation sheet, which represents the general sense of Imaging (which weighs the most in the final rating) as well as other criteria, such as label, bottle or can or other material of packaging, innovation, colors and the general image of the product.

There isn’t any limit to how many oils you wish to enter.

  • Registration fee is € 300 per product or per category

Shipping your samples

The CIOOC is not responsible for any participation submitted after the deadlines, for total or partial loss of participation materials during transport, chemical spoiling of the samples due to temperature changes, or bottle breaking (or any other problem) during the transport. Courier or any other expenses relative to the transport are charged to the participant.